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  • 27 July 2020
  • 2 min read

My Student Nurse Must-Have

    • Abigail Cliffe
  • 1
  • 3234
Play video: "It’s just really good to get your practise in there so we don’t lose out on our skills during the lockdown."

In this bitesize clip, Alexandria, gives us her must-have item for Student Nurses without access to their Universities during the pandemic and looking to keep their Nursing skills sharp.

Transcript of the video:

Hi Guys.

I’m Alexandria Grace.

I’m one of the YouTube and Instagram creators for and today I’m going to be talking about one of my Nurse, or Student Nurse must-haves.

Because of the Coronavirus, obviously I cannot access the skills labs at my university, so I decided to order a Manuel Blood Pressure Kit from Para-med which is a company on Amazon.

It costs about £16 and comes with:

• A stethoscope

• A blood pressure cuff and the pump

It is extremely portable, it is really easy to use on your family members or your friends, and it’s just really good to get your practise in there so we don’t lose out on our skills during the lockdown.

I would definitely recommend investing in one if you’ve not already.

Thanks for watching.

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on my Student Nurse must-have - let's chat there!

Oh, and please Like this article to let me know you enjoyed it - thank you!

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About this contributor

I'm a Newly Registered Nurse specialising in Children’s Nursing, which I have a great passion for. I feel very strongly about equal treatment and care for everyone, as it sets all children and young people up for the best future possible! I create vlogs following my Nursing journey and advice videos to help others along their own journeys too.

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    • Abigail Cliffe
  • 1
  • 3234

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    • Julia Orege 4 years ago
      Julia Orege
    • Julia Orege
      4 years ago

      Very helpful and practical advice

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