Debbie goes through questions she’s commonly asked as a Practice Nurse, from the most difficult part of nursing to what makes a successful nurse.
Hello, my name is Debbie, and I'm a Practice Nurse in London.
Today, I am going to be doing something different, which is a Q&A. I get a lot of questions concerning my role, concerning nursing in general, and I just wanted to address some of the questions that I generally get asked.
So, I have a piece of paper here, so if I look down it's because I'm looking at the paper.
What Is My Favourite Part About Nursing?
I think for me, because I'm in practice nursing, I do enjoy the variety of things that I see. I feel like it really helps to broaden my knowledge and help me to just have a different aspect of every part of nursing.
So, like being able to see children as well as being able to see like babies, you know, new-borns, eight-weeks check. The variety of things that they can present with at such a young age.
And then, you know, to the other extreme being able to see elderly patients and a variety of things that happen at that age as well. So yeah, I just love the variety. That's, for me, that's key. It doesn't feel mundane. It doesn't feel like I'm doing the same thing every single day.
How Did I Become A GP Nurse?
Just apply. There's nothing, you know, extraordinary, you know, in GP nursing. Of course, it is quite different to, you know, nursing on a ward or anywhere else. But I think with the right practice willing to train you up or doing a course with universities, you know, you can get into the role.
As long as you're willing to show passion about primary care and GP nursing, then just apply.
About this contributor
GP Nurse
I am a newly qualified GP Nurse in London. After my first degree in Biomedical science, I realised that I wanted a patient facing career, leading me to study nursing as a master’s degree. This is one of the best decisions I’ve made as I am loving my new career and progression prospects.
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